Protecting Yourself: Ways to Get Away Safely

 If someone grabs both your wrists:

Protecting Yourself: Ways to Get Away Safely
Protecting Yourself: Ways to Get Away Safely  

🤔 STOP AND THINK! Don't panic. Stay calm and remember these steps:

1. 👉 Twist your wrist so your thumb points up. This will make it harder for them to hold on tight.

2. 🤚 Use your other hand to grab their wrist. Then swing both arms over your shoulder quickly. 😲 Be careful not to hit your head when you pull away. Swing your arms across your body, not straight up.  

3. 💪 When you pull away, use your whole body - not just your arms. 🦵 Keep your legs planted on the ground for balance. Don't turn your back on the person. 👀 Face them and back away slowly once you're free.

Remember - your safety is important. 🚨 If someone grabs you, focus on getting away safely without hurting yourself or the other person. Stay calm and think through the steps to break free. Then find a safe place and call someone you trust for help. 💪 You've got this!

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