Protecting Yourself: The Palm Heel Strike

 Have you ever felt worried about protecting yourself if someone tries to hurt you? 😰 Well, I'm here to share a simple move called the palm heel strike that could help. 🤙

Protecting Yourself: The Palm Heel Strike
Protecting Yourself: The Palm Heel Strike 

1️⃣ Bend your wrist and keep your hand ready 🤲

Start by bending your wrist so your palm faces out. Keep your fingers straight 🖐️ and close together, and press your hand firmly like you're making a fist. 👊 You want your hand to be strong! Slightly bend your thumb and keep it near your fingers. This will give you power in your strike. 💪

2️⃣ Target the nose or chin with your palm 🎯 

When you see an opening, quickly thrust your palm forward aiming for the attacker's nose 👃 or the area below their chin. 🧔 Either spot could shock them and help you get away. Don't be afraid to really put your weight behind it. 💥

3️⃣ Keep striking until you can escape 🏃‍♂️

If they don't back off after one hit, keep striking with your palm as fast as you can until you see a chance to run. 🏃‍♀️ Don't stop until you feel you're safely away from any danger. It's important that you fight back just enough to flee to safety. 

Protecting Yourself: The Palm Heel Strike
Protecting Yourself: The Palm Heel Strike 

Remember - only use this move if you have no other choice but to protect yourself. 🙅‍♂️ Always try talking your way out of a scary situation first before using force. And if you practice palm heel strikes, be very gentle when training with a partner so no one gets hurt. 🤕 Staying safe is what really matters. 🚨

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