Learning About Judo

A long time ago in Japan, a man named Jigoro Kano started judo. He wanted to make jujutsu, which uses weapons 🗡, less dangerous. Kano wanted a martial art about throwing people and controlling them without hurting them. He called it "judo", which means gentle way. 🤝  

Learning About Judo
Learning About Judo

The Rules 🚩 

When people do judo competitions, there are rules for clothes 👕, what you can and can't do 🙅‍♂️, and how the referee decides who wins. You get points for cleanly throwing your opponent 💪, pinning them on the ground 🛌, or making them tap out from holds 🤚. The match is 5 minutes, and sometimes they go into overtime or get penalty points 🚩. 

Belts and Testing 🎒

Judo has belt colors like white, yellow, green, and finally black belt 🥋. Black belts have junior levels 1-5 and master levels 6-10. To test for a new belt, you have to show the referee techniques 🤸‍♂️, forms 🧑‍🤝‍🧑, and that you understand judo's lessons.  

Learning About Judo
Learning About Judo

What You Do in Class 🥋

Common things in judo class are practicing throws against a partner who resists 🤼‍♂️, sparring against each other 🥋, ground work 🧘‍♂️, and doing set routines called kata 🤸‍♂️. Classes also include exercises to get your heart pumping 💪 and drills to perfect your throws while rolling around live. 🤼‍♂️

Throws and Holds 🥋

Some popular throws grab the hips and shoulders to unbalance opponents. Sweeps knock their feet out to drop them down. Pins and chokeholds control opponents on the ground. Wrist and elbow locks make joints very uncomfortable! 🤕

Learning About Judo
Learning About Judo

Competitions 🥇

In the Olympics, judo has men's and women's weight classes. Gold medalists are heroes! 🥇 Tournaments also happen in clubs and worldwide groups. Practicing competition rules helps improve your judo.

Lessons Learned 🧠

Judo is about using an opponent's force instead of meeting it head-on. Training builds mental and physical strength plus respect. 🤝 It teaches confidence, humility, and self-defense while having fun! Judo is great total body exercise. 💪

Learning About Judo
Learning About Judo

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